A Day in the Life of Your Content Writer

When you entrust your valuable client accounts to a white label SEO writer, know that you are in good hands. These writers are dedicated professionals—many of them working full time. A few will come into the office every weekday, while others will spend the majority of their work days writing from home.

So what does it look like when a private label SEO content writer gets up in the morning to start their day? How do they ensure their clients get a high level of quality along with all the necessary technical SEO details?

Read on to find out and to experience a full day in the life of someone who writes content for a living.

Morning Check-In, Brief Housekeeping, Getting Work Done

Morning check in, brief housekeeping, getting work done


A telecommuting content writer’s day starts fairly similarly to the average office worker’s, but with a few key differences. They wake up to an alarm, stretch their legs, brush their teeth and shower if they haven’t done so the night before.

After making a pot of coffee and a light breakfast, it’s time for the long commute from the dining nook to the home office. There, they will log in by 9:00 a.m. and sign into their office’s preferred chat client. We at Optimized Scribes use Skype to communicate. All of our writers, editors and project management teams share a “Check-In Chat” group where we each say “good morning!”

If there are any questions about the work ahead, a writer may chime in. Otherwise, they will briefly check their email for urgent messages before logging into their project management software tool.

A project management platform provides a cloud-based system for checking assigned tasks and attaching related files. Our writers can see at any given time their assignments that are due today as well as any tasks due later and general tasks that do not yet have an established due date.

These tools keep content writers organized, focused and always sure of what they need to do next. Best of all, they can log in anywhere! That means that on any given day, your writer can cozy up at a local coffee shop with a croissant and cup of joe while they hammer away at the keys.

Since there are only so many hours in a day and lots of content to write, they get straight to work! The typical work day has approximately eight to 12 articles lined up, each one usually at least 500 words. A fast writer can knock out three to five of these articles before lunchtime, putting them in good standing for the rest of their day.

Lunch Time and Then White Label SEO Housekeeping Tasks


Lunch Time and Then White Label SEO Housekeeping Tasks


All of our writers get an hour-long lunch break. Some will use this time to scour the fridge and heat up some leftovers or a quick meal. Others will treat themselves to takeout or a quick lunch out. After all, it’s great to get out of the house when you work from home!

Many of our clients reach out to us later on in the morning. That makes just after lunchtime the perfect opportunity for the writer to log back into work email and see if any of their client contacts have anything important to say.

We also try to schedule most of our meetings either immediately before lunch or in the early afternoon. No one wants to be on a group chat or a phone call right before they sign out for the day, after all!

Around once a quarter, all of our writers, editors and project managers take an hour or so to check in on a Skype call. We discuss priorities and any action items, such as a different way to include keywords in the average blog assignment. We also make a point to solicit feedback and ideas for how to improve the workflow or meet our client needs more ably.

On a more regular basis, a writer may have a brief call-in with one or both of our project managers to discuss priorities. They talk about monthly project needs that still have to be met as well as any looming assignments that may soon drop into their online project management platform tool.

Once these meetings are over—or if there are no meetings to speak of—the writer gets back to work doing what they do best: creating killer content for our clients!

Finishing Off the Day, Signing Out and Taking a Well-Earned Break


Finishing Off the Day, Signing Out and Taking a Well-Earned Break


The core Optimized Scribes team ends their work day at five, just like most of corporate America. We all say goodbye, and our administrative team usually takes the time to thank the writers for their work for the day.

In their last hour of work, a writer may begin to wind down their day by checking on assignments ahead. They may see if a last-minute email dropped in their inbox, or they may take a look at bigger projects they need to tackle the next day. Many of our assignments are finished quickly, but some take extensive prewriting.

After checking to make sure the day’s queue is complete and sneaking a peek at what tomorrow may bring, the writer logs off to take a well-deserved break. Then, they take care of their dinner plans, spend a few hours of leisure time before bed and finally go to bed to rest up for the next full day of eager writing.

The beauty of this work relationship is that it’s flexible, but always organized. Our team stays in constant touch, and there are multiple people keeping a check to make sure guidelines and deadlines are being met. We like to think the end results—happy clients and outstanding blogs—speak for themselves!




Interested in having one of our talented writers lend their expertise to your content writing needs? Contact Us Today to discuss your project and request a sample!

The post A Day in the Life of Your Content Writer appeared first on Optimized Scribes.

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